Title: Live And Let Die
Rating: Four and a Half Spotlights
Very well done. There were a few loose unexplained ends, and some points where the obvious should have been done but wasn't, but otherwise very well done. I was drawn into the story, and enjoyed it greatly.
GREAT! Even for the literal term of the word. This movie had me on the edge of my seat, and I was highly enjoying it. There were even parts when it made me chuckle when it shouldn't, but it was still enjoyable.
Mad Take:
An excellent movie. It was very well done, even with the few story flaws and the new Bond. I highly enjoyed this movie, and say it is one of the Bond highlights of what I've seen so far. There were few gadgets, but the storyline made up for this (seriously, it seems to be gadgets or story. What's that about?). And we kept seeing the toy snake... though there was a real one!
I highly enjoyed this movie, and it was very good.
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