Title: Major League 2
Rating: Three Spotlights
Movie Wrapped Up:
It's another season, and the baseball team "the Cleveland Indians" are aiming for the World Series! But things have changed, mainly due to new popularity, and the team's badly off their beat.
And when Miss Rich Lady gets back in power, the team is going to have to shape up...
Mad Take:
They don't even try! This movie was average, mostly boring material during the first half. True, there were chuckle moments, but the story wasn't great, and everyone was too different. I didn't care for the new Joey at all! And he was like it during most of the movie! YEESH!
Things did start getting better near the end, however. When team started being themselves again, the movie got better. But the ending, while partly exciting, didn't make it up to the first movie's big bang. But at least the second half was better!
(And they were clever in mixing in the romance element this round. :) )
This movie was only okay.
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