Title: Real Steel
Rating: Four and a Half Spotlights
Movie Wrapped Up:
In the future, tech has gone up, but especially in the boxer's ring. Now robots do the boxing with humans' control.
Charlie is a washed-out boxer. He is in serious money trouble. When he buys his son, Max, for the summer, he gets more than he bargains for. Max fixes up an old sparring robot named Atom from the junkyard, and it turns out that Atom can throw a punch.
While figuring out the relationship with his son, Charlie's going to have to train Atom for the big fights...
Mad Take:
Okay, my summary wasn't the best. But to the actual movie. It was awesome! The story was well-done, the tech was awesome, and the fights were pretty cool. The big point was the ending. It was extremely well-done, earning a half-Spotlight, and I'm still pumped from it. I was cheering Atom on with the others. The story could use a little tweaking, but it was still a very good movie.
This was a very good movie. Get it... it's awesome!!!
Yeah, did I say I was pumped up from the ending? Lol...
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